
I strongly believe in the value of a whole foods plant-based diet: whatever variation that looks like for you. From a young age, I hated eating meat. The texture was never anything I enjoyed. I often pawned off my dinner to my baby brother or found reasons to go extended periods of time without eating meat (Lent!). When I was sixteen, my dad lost his heartbreaking struggle to cancer. That was the catalyst I needed to take my health into my own hands. I fully adopted a vegetarian lifestyle and haven't really looked back.

vegan, green smoothie, vegetarian, plant based

While I do not identify as vegan, I try to make sustainable choices when if I'm eating dairy (organic, raw, grass-fed) or eggs (organic, pastured). I also will eat fish on occasion if it's wild caught. Especially since my PCOS diagnosis, I try to avoid refined sugar, refined white flour, and other processed foods. I strive to include nutrient-rich whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds. I listen to my body, it knows what it needs to heal.I hope to share resources and recipes along the way . . .

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