You may have noticed some things have changed. No, I'm not "giving up." But, what better time to reinvent my blog than the new year?

Of all places for me to be inspired to change my blog handle, it was at my masseuse. We were discussing 2014. I described it as "rough" and "challenging." After she intuitively gave some advice on our approach, she said something that hit home: "Hold a future with kids and without kids on the same level, don't let go of the possibility of having kids, or you'll never make space for one to be made."

This is where I struggle most. I am head over heels in love with a future with kids. I haven't put much thought into one without. Hopefully, I won't have to; but, she really struck a chord with me.

I am so much more than my disease. I'm done with waiting to do all the fun stuff until we have kids. Is it going to be harder to afford treatments? Oh yea. Is it worth it? We'll see! (I think my mental sanity is worth it! - Hello vacations and house renovations.)

So, I changed up the blog look and feel to bring more balance to my thoughts, energy, and journey. This opens me up to blog more about other things which is good because when i'm not in the middle of an IVF cycle, there's not really much to say!
